The Grail Lords Wikia

The Decadence Skill is a Personal Skill and represents the moral decay of a Seeker. Unlike most personal skills, the decadence can't be increased by eating meals containing a particular food ingredient. Instead, the skill increases by actions that can considered as being decadent. Having a high Decadence Skill comes with some disadvantages for the Seeker that need to be considered.

Skill Gained:

  • By throwing away cooked meals at the residence.
  • By eating additional meals while the character is no longer hungry.

Skill Lost:

  • When the Decadence Skill is higher than 25, eating bread will lower the skill by 0.02 points.

Positive Skill Effects:

  • Each 20 points on the skill allows one extra drink consumption daily.
  • Each 20 points on the skill allows one extra present to be opened per day.
  • Each point on the skill lowers the cooldown timer to eat another candy by 0.33%.
  • Each point on the skill increases the chance by 0.5% to eat additional meals without throwing up.

Negative Skill Effects:

  • Each point on the skill lowers the mood with 0.05% during the daily reset.
  • Each 25 points on the skill lowers the mood received from eating cooked meals by 1 point.